Join us in our mission of sharing nutritious meals every single day of the year in poverty-stricken areas across Pakistan.

Join us in our mission to feeding at least 100 people every day in poverty-stricken areas across Pakistan.
About Us
"Best deeds are those done regularly even if they are few"

Our Mission

Our Vision

Our mission is to share nutritious meals with at least 100 individuals every single day of the year in poverty-stricken areas across Pakistan.

Providing individuals with financial needs with worry-free access to nutritious meals, through acts of daily charity, creating a ripple effect of positive change, uplifting families and fostering a culture of empathy and solidarity. 

Our Promise

Our Daily Reports

At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to transparency. That’s why we share our daily meal distribution reports on our social media platforms every day, ensuring you are part of our journey to achieve our mission, one meal at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Share A Meal Daily?

Share A Meal is an initiative aimed at providing a meal a day, every day, in poor stricken areas across Pakistan. We believe in fighting hunger and poverty by addressing the immediate need for sustenance.

How does Share A Meal work?

We collaborate with local communities, NGOs, volunteers, and businesses to identify areas in need and distribute meals. Through partnerships and donations, we ensure that nutritious meals reach those who need them the most on a daily basis.

What is the cost of each meal?

It costs less than $1 CAD to prepare and deliver a cooked meal (approximately 400 grams). No amount of your donation will be used for administrative or fundraising costs.

What is included in the meal?

While the dish distributed will vary based on availability, it is expected to include one of the following: selected menu includes Chicken Biryani, Haleem (a stew of blended beef and lentils), Chicken Korma (gravy with protein and bread) or Channa Biryani.

When will my donation reach?

If donated before 12pm EST, the meal is shared by next day.

How can I make a donation?

Donations can be made through our secure online portal on our website. We accept both one-time and recurring donations, allowing you to contribute in a way that suits your preferences and capacity.

What are your admin costs?

We define admin cost as any cost that is beyond the cost to buy, prepare, physically deliver the food as well as third party banking charges related to delivery of our funds. All other costs are borne either by the founders of the projects or carried on personally by our volunteers.

Are donations tax-deductible?

Share A Meal is a project of AnNur Welfare Association that is a registered charitable organization with the Canada Revenue Agency. All donations made to Share A Meal program are eligible for official tax receipts deductible for tax purposes. For all one-time donations, the tax receipts are issued immediately via email, while tax receipts for our monthly donors are combined and issued at the end of the fiscal year.

Is the program eligible for Kaffarah, Fidya or Zakat?

We take a unique approach to this question, we tell you the project execution, expense, quantity and beneficiary details and let you talk to your trusted scholar to determine what percentage of your donation to this project is zakat, kaffarah or fidya eligible. There are different schools of thoughts on this out there and we do not want to make this decision for you. Should you or your religious scholar have any questions about the program, feel free to reach us at

Why is Zeffy charging me transaction fees?

Zeffy is our payment processing agent. At the payment confirmation step on fundraising forms, donors have the option to contribute to Zeffy. You have the option to make the "platform support fee"  to zero as it is totally optional. The contribution fees does not support us, nor can we issue tax receipt for the platform support fee

See below for the steps to make the platform support fee to zero:

Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said:

“If anyone feeds a Muslim when he is hungry, Allah will feed him with something from the fruits of paradise on the day of resurrection.”